Hero image for Scaling user experience
to the next level

Scaling user experience to the next level


Magic Mountain is a social fitness and wellness activity app, designed to help people build healthier behaviours through the power of teamwork. The app enables users to set activity-based goals, share them with their team and track progress.

Elsewhen recently worked with Magic Mountain on a 12-week journey to overhaul the existing app UX and user flows and introduce new functionality – bringing value to the business and app users.

  • Improving app code base, building new features, and implementing a new UI.
  • Developing and releasing a reimagined iOS and Android app in just 12 weeks, and mapping out future evolution.

The challenge
Developing and releasing a reimagined app in just 12 weeks

Magic Mountain had successfully launched into a growing market, and gained traction with a basic and quickly-built version of its social fitness app. But to reach the next level of growth, they realised they had to move up to a much more thought-through high-quality digital product.

While the concept of ascending a ‘fitness mountain’ was appealing to users, the visual style of the app was not so popular. The user interface (UI) did not resonate with most of its user base – lacking a premium feel of design maturity and refinement. There were also many instances where the user experience (UX) was complicated and illogical.

As a result, the app’s user retention rate was dropping to 13% within a month – indicating lack of engagement with the product.

Our Services
  • Product architecture
  • MVP specification
  • Lean brand
  • Product design
  • Swift engineering
  • Kotlin engineering
  • Node engineering
Magic Mountain app

Our strategic approach
Taking an ambitious approach to delivering app transformation

Elsewhen worked to give the Magic Mountain app a fundamental overhaul. Our strategy had to be not only ambitious, but also pragmatic in scope. We had a fixed 12-week timeframe to achieve this transformation in advance of Magic Mountain’s next meetings with potential investors.

Our team also conducted a workshop to score and prioritise project aspects, features, and initiatives

Our approach was to manage the available time in a series of two-week phases. An initial discovery phase was followed by five sprints of design and development work, using Agile methodology.

In the research and discovery phase, we ran workshops to establish the current status and desired objectives. We conducted interviews with a range of app users to understand their experiences and opinions. Our team also assessed and prioritised project features in terms of the RICE framework – reach, impact, confidence and effort.

Elsewhen Magic Mountain User Experience Interface Mobile

The solution
Delivering a step-change in user experience

Our findings in the discovery phase made it clear that the app user experience and interface needed a full refresh. It also highlighted that the app’s underlying legacy front-end and back-end code would not support future development and scalability.

Both of these aspects needed substantial work – but this had to be a pragmatic update rather than a complete reinvention. Our design team transformed Magic Mountain’s conceptual ideas into a functional product design. Our research into real-world use cases for the app helped us shape an improved user flow.

Elsewhen’s work on the new design system, component library and back-end code not only enabled the project to deliver value immediately – but also provided strong technology foundations for Magic Mountain to build on in future.

We built strong technology foundations to support the app into the future

Magic Mountain mobile app user interface

The outcomes
Driving user growth and investor interest with an enhanced app

Magic Mountain was equipped with a rebuilt, renewed and transformed app

At the conclusion of the 12-week process, Elsewhen conducted a design and engineering handover to enable Magic Mountain to take the improvements forward in future versions of the app. We supported them with submissions to app stores and deployment of the new back-end API to the production environment.Magic Mountain gained a transformed app – in time to demo at their next investor event.

They now have the infrastructure, tools and understanding to continue on the path we established together. Users love the improved UX and the new ways they can use the app.

We equipped their team with Agile ways of working, delivering incremental advances with a series of team sprints. Magic Mountain is now ready for a new phase of growth and investor attention – with an app that’s truly fit for the future.

Elsewhen Magic Mountain Telescope

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